The Support Group Blog

FileMaker Backup Principles

Claris FileMaker is a fantastic tool for solving business problems. With the tool, we can create apps that both streamline and automate difficult and tedious tasks, thereby giving us time to explore other ways to expand our business and better serve our customers. Behind every effective FileMaker app is an equally powerful server. The on-premise version of FileMaker Server is a reliable app partner in terms of sharing problem-solving solutions with others in our workplaces or even folks outside of our organizations.

Nonetheless, there may be times when problems with our solutions will arise. Perhaps the physical or virtual server that we host our solution on becomes unstable and crashes, leaving the solution files in an uncertain state. Another challenging scenario is when Joe in accounting accidentally deletes a bunch of critical invoices and we need to get them back. These are both great examples of why our on-premise server and its particular files need a sound FileMaker backup system.

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Create Business Apps Quickly with Claris FileMaker

We're living in a time when people need solutions to their workplace challenges and they need them immediately. Due to COVID-19, many of us are working under different circumstances and in different environments. We may have spent the first week or so setting up our new workspaces and adapting to new workflows and communication tools. But now it's time to focus on the work. Customers need to be serviced, reports need to be generated and projects need to be managed. You're lucky if your operations were 100% portable and you were able to maintain 100% efficiency when things upended. That's probably the exception, not the rule. For the most part, we're adjusting to new workflows and timelines. We guess that productivity has mostly been redefined. Your spreadsheets and appliance apps may have worked a few months ago but may not cut it now.

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