The Support Group Blog

Update: How to Create Calendars in FileMaker with Monday Start of Week

I admit, designing a calendar in FileMaker is an involved process. Nonetheless, it's a common requirement, so I’ll walk you through the process step by step. I'm going to piggyback on our previously published post, but for this calendar, we're going to specify Monday as the start of the week as opposed to Sunday.

Of course, there are several different ways that we can structure a calendar. One option would be to create 42 separate relationships and portals to represent events for each calendar day. Why 42? There are seven days in a week and we need six rows to cover the number of potential weeks in a month, 7 * 6 = 42. Also, you’d have to create 42 fields to store the calendar days that would then be used to set up the relationships between the calendar and event tables. This approach can make managing edits or updates cumbersome for developers because of the volume of records.

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FileMaker Wildfire Reporting Application

The Nebraska Forest Service (NFS) first approached us to help them reduce redundancies and centralize their data so that they can focus on protecting their natural forest resources and educating their community. In addition to providing resources and training for volunteer fire departments, hosting workshops for the public and offering grants to communities, schools and other organizations that help manage and protect the trees and forests of Nebraska, NFS also tracks the number of wildfires that occur across the state. Many state and federal agencies require wildfires to be reported. And, recording the wildfires as well as the response efforts of the local volunteer fire departments helps NFS coordinate and provide a variety of federal and state grants to those volunteer fire departments.

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