The Support Group Blog

How To Create Custom Headers in FileMaker 18

We've shown you how to add custom headers to a CSV file. Custom headers are useful, particularly for end-users, because they provide intelligible header names when downloaded FileMaker files are opened in other applications. We developers don't always use intuitive field names when we're in the heat of custom app development. It's usually a bunch of geeky gibberish only the coder can understand. FileMaker 18 actually simplifies our custom header export process a bit, thanks to a few of the new script steps that this version offers.

Before we begin, it might be helpful to review our FileMaker 18 file-based script steps blog post, particularly the section that discusses how to read, write and manage external files. This will give you a good foundation before taking a look at this more advanced topic.

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How To Manage and Customize Images in FileMaker

Image features are pretty common within FileMaker apps. We've had the ability to store images and other types of files in container fields for quite a while. Usually, we leverage that capability to build image modules for our clients. Having developed several of these myself, I can tell you that users generally want to be able to do at least three things:

  • Save the images in FileMaker
  • View a thumbnail of the image
  • Customize the size of the image

Of course, there are different ways to accomplish these requirements efficiently.

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